Jubilee Church Bromley - Safeguarding


Jubilee Church takes the safeguarding of children and young people very seriously and our safeguarding policy is available on request. We follow 'safer recruitment' processes and guidelines and all our trustees, leaders, staff and volunteers who work with children and/or young people have been on Safeguarding training and have undergone a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check as appropriate.

If you have any concerns relating to the safeguarding of anyone who attends Jubilee Church or attends an event that Jubilee Church is organising, you should contact our safeguarding co-ordinators by emailing safeguarding@jubileechurch.co.uk.

Alternatively, if your concerns involve a child or young person you can seek advice from Bromley Safeguarding Children and if it involves a vulnerable adult you can seek advice from Bromley Safeguarding Adults

If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger you should call 999.

Jubilee Church Child Protection Policy Statement

Jubilee Church recognises the unique and individual worth of each child and young person and are committed to ensuring that the safety, welfare and wellbeing of any child or young person who is involved with any of our activities at Jubilee Church is paramount.

We aim to ensure that children and young people are valued, listened to and respected whatever their age, gender, disability, racial or ethnic background, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity and social, economic or educational background.

Every child and young person who participates in any activity run by Jubilee Church has the right to be in a safe and caring environment, to feel safe and to equal protection from any form of exploitation or abuse. Therefore, everyone working at Jubilee Church including its trustees, employees and volunteers, are responsible for ensuring that all children and young people are safe.

In seeking to meet these aims Jubilee Church:

  • will ensure that all appointments to roles that involve working with children and young people, either in a paid or voluntary capacity, are subject to a robust recruitment and selection process, which will include an enhanced DBS disclosure.
  • will Identify a designated lead person for dealing with concerns or allegations of abuse and clear referral process.
  • is committed to supporting and resourcing those who work with children and young people and to providing appropriate training and overall supervision so that they are clear about their responsibilities.
  • would normally expect that any individual who wishes to volunteer with children or young people within Jubilee Church to have been in the Church itself for a period of not less than 6 months.
  • will ensure that any concerns of possible abuse are referred appropriately and will fully co-operate with the work of statutory agencies as necessary.
  • will structure our programmes to help children and young people to protect themselves and understand the importance of protecting others.
  • will identify and implement good practice in relation to the care, protection and welfare of children and young people.
  • will aim to encourage parents and carers to be involved with the programmes we offer and to develop a relationship with Jubilee Church which promotes their child’s/young person’s welfare.
  • consider it to be unacceptable for those in a position of trust to engage in any behaviour that might allow a sexual relationship to develop for as long as the relationship of trust continues.
  • will provide a whistleblowing policy that allows for an open and well-publicised way for adults and young people to voice concerns about abusive or unethical behaviour.
  • will develop a listening culture where children feel confident that if they have concerns someone will listen and take them seriously.
  • are committed to supporting victims of abuse and encouraging them in their faith.
  • will manage and supervise known offenders in the church.
  • We will work with other organisations such as ThirtyOne:Eight, Pioneer and the statutory authorities, to ensure the safety of children and young people in our care.

If you have concerns that relate to a child / young person or are in relation to any child protection matter then contact one of the following individuals who have been approved as the Children’s Coordinators for this church:

A copy of the full policy and the Safeguarding Handbook is available from the Children’s Coordinators named above.